Best speakers for classic rock

Hello all,
Im looking for advice on purchasing speakers in the 2500.00 range for listening to classic rock.
Any suggestions  would be helpful.
Ohm walsh, klipsch, jbl. If I was was just naming brands that you could find something new or used in your budget.
GE Triton 3+.  With the powered woofers and 92 dB efficiency, they will rock the house. 
I listen to predominantly classic rock - Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, etc. I also listen to jazz. 

Last year I got a pair of Klipsch RP-600M bookshelf speakers paired with a Cronus Magnum II tube amp, and it’s a great sounding combo for the rock and the jazz. I listen to mostly vinyl with this setup, haven’t picked up a DAC to venture into digital audio besides my Chrome Cast Audio. 

This is well below your budget but thought I’d chime in. Good luck!