Sorry. You're screwed. Room is a huge factor. Strike one. WAF is bigger- strikes, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine. Side retired. You're out.
All joking aside- you may want to have a look at what Rives Audio can do for your room. Not only will they tailor it for sound, but they have some very nice designs which can substantially affect the WAF. It can get pricey, but it pales in comparison to what you've spent on your components. I do agree- when I set up per the Cardas instructions, imaging and soundstaging got much better. But space was lost for sure. My room is a disaster. Drumkit in the corner, built in bookcases, odd dimensions, high ceilings, angled walls- just a nightmare. It was suggested to toss a large blanket over the drumkit when not in use. I'm sure that will look positively stunning. You have to appease the WAF. Rives may help. You must keep that command center in place! Do not surrender! Does she not appreciate the sound? My wife at first demanded that I "get all this crap out of my living room!" When I moved to my den, I upgraded components significantly, and now she states that it's a "waste to have something that sounds this good in a place where WE (yes, WE) can't listen to it more often." Go figure.
All joking aside- you may want to have a look at what Rives Audio can do for your room. Not only will they tailor it for sound, but they have some very nice designs which can substantially affect the WAF. It can get pricey, but it pales in comparison to what you've spent on your components. I do agree- when I set up per the Cardas instructions, imaging and soundstaging got much better. But space was lost for sure. My room is a disaster. Drumkit in the corner, built in bookcases, odd dimensions, high ceilings, angled walls- just a nightmare. It was suggested to toss a large blanket over the drumkit when not in use. I'm sure that will look positively stunning. You have to appease the WAF. Rives may help. You must keep that command center in place! Do not surrender! Does she not appreciate the sound? My wife at first demanded that I "get all this crap out of my living room!" When I moved to my den, I upgraded components significantly, and now she states that it's a "waste to have something that sounds this good in a place where WE (yes, WE) can't listen to it more often." Go figure.