Need recommendations for an alternative to Ayon Crossfire integrated

Hi, all of your recommendations would be appreciated. I am looking for an SET with the equivalent or great watts than the Crossfire.  Looking in the 10K range.  Speakers are Tekton Ulfberhts 99db sensitivity.  

Best regards, Bob
Why not send teajay a private message?  He has extensive knowledge of Tekton and SET amps.
You may want to consider the Viva Solistino amp, it is a 18W SET, obviously it's less power then the Ayon, but  it is a sweet sounding amp. 
I don't own Tektons but have Daedalus Argos V2s which are 97.5 db and a relatively flat 6 ohm impedance. One of the amps I use driving them is a Line Magnetic 518IA integrated 22 wpc Set . It has plenty of power driving these speakers loud in a 28x20x10 room without going past 10 o'clock. As mentioned above the Line Magnetic 508 IA is another option with even more Set watts 48wpc, and some members who have had both prefer the sound of 508 IA. If you have a potential interest the US importer is Tone Imports and Jonathan returns emails pretty quickly responding to questions including dealer info; he is also very easy to deal with in my experience.