Component isolation

Let’s say you’re going to add isolation feet to a component with no moving parts, such as a preamp, phono stage, DAC, amp, tuner, etc. 

Which one is most critical to the extent would get your attention first? 
Damping should be used sparingly or not at all. As Michael states, it does take the air out of the music. IME, lightweight damping may be needed on an enclosed tube component where the cover to the chassis is causing resonance which is picked up by the tubes.
An explanation of one situation.

Well, I don't think the man is asking about this kind of extreme tuning that Michael is talking about. I certainly wouldn't tune for every recording just as I don't adjust VTA for every record but fine tuning the complete system to achieve the best possible compromise is worth the effort and a true audiophile endeavor. But first the system must be complete, both active and passive components. In a sense, there are no passive components, cables and power cords are also very active. How to achieve the system completeness ? Well, I don't have an answer, you got to experiment, to listen and to have audiophile instinct. System is complete when if you insert any new components in it, as good as it might be by itself, the sound you get is off the balance and out of tune, in other words - worse overall even if it might be better in certain aspects. 
I can give an example of how to throw the system off the balance while using exactly the same components in the chain, in this case interconnect cables.
I usually run the signal as follows: from Goldring 1042 cartridge thru Nottingham arm's wiring harness to Acoustech phono stage thru Tchernov Reference MK II cable to Nakamichi 682 ZX deck thru Purist Audio Neptune cables to Redgum RGi120 integrated thru Purist Colossus fluid speaker cables to Michael Green Audio Rev80 speakers. 
If I put Purist Neptune cables between phono and deck, and put Tchernov cables between deck and amp I create out of tune sound which is while still pretty good is much worse than the other way around. Whatever other or additional explanations might be, two things come to mind - first, I interrupt the Purist chain, and second I believe Nottingham's wire and Tchernov wire somehow work better together, so in fact I might do double interruption. When not interrupted those two segments - Nottingham/Tchernov and Purist/Purist work fine. I also have Purist Dominus RevB power cord on the integrated and Purist Aquila on the PS Audio regenerator everything is plugged in.

Isolation need not involve damping or lack thereof. The Townshend Audio Seismic products and the IsoAcoustic GAIA's provide isolation only.