Just One Shelf...

Recommendations for a satisfying one-shelf audio solution to go on a stand underneath my 46" Samsung LCD. No surround sound for this particular system. Just want to significantly upgrade the audio from the built-in speakers on the Samsung. Clear dialog a plus!

I've done a bit of internet research, but this didn't help me come to any conclusions. No clear budget, but definitely under $1,000.

Any favorite options around here that would satisfy an audiophile?

Thanks in advance.

-- Rob

Kennythekey & Reubent,
Thanks for the replies.

Reubent, I have seen the ZVOX website. Have you had the opportunity to audition any of their pieces?


-- Rob

I agree with Tom (Reubent). I have the ZVOX Audio Z-base 550 Standard under my 52" Samsung LCD. I like it alot!

If the 575 is within your budget as it appears to be, I'd definitely go with it.

I checked out the ZVOX site and that stuff is very cool. I didn't get what Rob meant by a one-shelf solution that's all self contained.

Anyway, I wouldn't go with the ZVOX if you want a true audio system. However, the ZVOX looks perfect for your specific application.

Hey, I may buy one of these!
Almost double your budget, but the B&W Panorama would fit the bill nicely. :) I am sure there are other similar solutions. I think Polk has a setup that includes a subwoofer for under $500. Or you can do what I do and use a pair of Audioengine A5s. However if your TV is like mine and has only fixed level outputs when the internal speakers are off, you have to walk over and adjust the volume manually!!! How old school is that?!!