Hey listener111,
I will be writing my review for Six Moons.com on the Perfect Set soon and listened today to them for over 5 hours using a Triode Lab SET 2A3 amplifier and a Threshold S/350e amplifier and enjoyed the music immensely with either piece.
I believe either the DI, with the ports on the front or the PS would work great in your room. However, if you want a smaller speaker you can't go wrong with the PS. Yes, either speaker has a wider sweet spot then Maggies (I lived with 1.7's and 20's for years).
I think you would be very pleased with option #2
I will be writing my review for Six Moons.com on the Perfect Set soon and listened today to them for over 5 hours using a Triode Lab SET 2A3 amplifier and a Threshold S/350e amplifier and enjoyed the music immensely with either piece.
I believe either the DI, with the ports on the front or the PS would work great in your room. However, if you want a smaller speaker you can't go wrong with the PS. Yes, either speaker has a wider sweet spot then Maggies (I lived with 1.7's and 20's for years).
I think you would be very pleased with option #2