Home made treatment to reduce Bass bloom or resonance in a room?

Hi All,
Has anyone constructed their own panels or treatments for certain areas of the listening room or living room?
I like to listen to my audio system at higher levels; to let the music open up.
I have JBL Studio 230 speakers with a single rear port in each.
I have a problem with Low freq. blooms or resonance; especially on one side of the room.
The walls: painted drywall (sheetrock).
Floor: ceramic tile.
Even with the JBL's six feet from the wall;
I still have the same issue.
It seems like it's just coming from the wall and corner behind the A/V equipment.

I would purchase room treatment or devices if I knew they would work.
If I build my own; it wouldn't be a bad loss if they do not work.

Any input would be greatly appreciated
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I suggest you engage the services of a professional acoustician.  The reason is, this is the sort of endeavor where knowledge and expertise will make far more of a difference than how much money you can throw at the problem.  I have largely stopped giving out armchair-quarterbacking advice on room acoustic treatments after having heard the kind of results a professional can get.  

Jeff Hedback of Hedback Designed Acoustics comes to mind.  Jeff is an award-winning studio designer who is still affordable.  He can tell you how to DIY your own solutions to save money; most of his studio clients are on a budget too.



I use curtains and pillows. Probably terrible advice but I like the way my system sounds and my wife is happy.