Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers

I’m interested in the ATC SCM-40 from their HiFi series and would like to hear from people who have owned or spent a lot of time with ATC speakers. This is a fairly new model and may be a bit of a departure from their classic sound.

At the show in Newport last weekend, I was quite taken by these speakers. I went back the next day and heard the same things that I liked about them, but a couple of red flags also went up:

Microdynamics – not sure these speakers do them well and microdynamics are critical to communicating inflection and nuance and to making music sound alive

Imaging, specifically wrt depth. Nothing much outside of the plane of the speakers, so recording venue info is not there and even instrument and vocal body may suffer a bit.

Were these shortcomings of setup or associated gear, or is this what ATC does?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
My guess is -12 at 40Hz would match my small room reinforcement somewhat perfectly.. thanks for the comments. I will put these on my short list..
@ dragon_vibe

Can I just ask you what Quested monitors you have some experience from. I’m very tempted to bring the v3110 to my collection but maybe I should go for a bigger passive? Have the H108 since a year and would also say it presents music slightly different from the ATC SCM12 I compare it to (nearfield system with added subs). The term organic, whatever it stands for, seems to suite the H108 very well. They’re a joy to listen too. My main system is the ATC 150 ASL, sometimes only used for the basses in combination with different monitors.
@sedgewick...with KXR and MXR Twenty, any ATC you pick, I would love to will be fine. Have fun. We run an Ayre in the studio and a Bryston in the mobile rack...all fun.

and Shadorne , much as  I admire and perhaps emulate your level of fanboy enthusiasm for a different brand, for shock and awe we rely on Meyer ....

Listened to the Quested v3110 today. Impressed. Soundstage. Depht. British sound. Flat to 30Hz. Smoother (or more even) than ATC (IMO). May very well be my next speaker/monitor soon.... Smaller size than expected. 750+150+150 built-in amps. 750 watts for a 10 inch woofer! It didn’t seem to move when playing Daft Punk "Contact" at a very high SPL. Try that!