Bookshelf Recommendations

Long time, first time here. Looking to upgrade my current speakers. While I know the best way to judge is by actually LISTENING to a set-up, I've read a lot of positive reviews of the SVS Ultimas. Does anyone here have first hand experience with those or a similar bookshelf at the +/-$1k price point?

My listening space is 12 x 12, with a Carver M1.5t power amp and CJ PV-12 pre. 
KEF LS50 are highly regarded.A little more than your price point but not to much more.
I have some older Epos that do well so i'd imagine their newer offerings might be good as well.
Tekton Mini Lore Monitors

Thanks a lot! I'm not afraid of previously owned gear, and in fact EVERYTHING I own came to me through prior ownership. Given that, that might provide me a pair at my $1k threshold.
on my short list in a true bookshelf but stand mounted would be ( not in order ) Used

Ref 3a
Sonus Faber
Vandersteen VLR
the KEF LS-50 for sure
any of the venerable LS 3/5a , one of my faves would be the KEF101, IF you read the white paper for the LS-50, you will see the trades they made....

have fun, do more listening than reading IF ya can..

great preamp you have IMO
Remarkable. Was just this moment reading the Stereophile write-up from 2012, and it ref'd aforementioned white paper on the LS-50's...

Thanks for your recommendations, and also for props on my CJ. Love those tubes! Only wish I could afford a tube power amp as well, but that Sideshow Bob, Carver 1.5t has all the power I'll ever need 👍