Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :)

I don't know that much about liquor, but I know what I like.


mental"I do enjoy a good drink with my audio, among other vices"

It is amazing the amount of time, energy, and money that users, contributors, and posters to this forum spend on drugs, intoxicants, and mind-altering substances and what is most amazing is that these same USERS expectct us to take they're opinions, claims, and assertions seriously when they're brains are addled with foreign chemicals.
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@clearthink : NO ONE has said they expect YOU or anyone else to take they're opinions, seriously or otherwise.

Probably the worst mind-altering 'substance' is the sense of ego that makes everything about 'you'.
^^^ "Everything in moderation" is a good motto to go by. Unfortunately, there are those who are prone to addictions and must be under the influence of their drug of choice (including alcohol) in order to have a good time. 

That reminds me, I'm almost out of Single Malt.


"Probably the worst mind-altering ’substance’ is the sense of ego"

Ego is not a substance it is a concept it is not something you consume even the most ego driven individual stands a better chance at making good decisions and choices than someone who’s brain is corrupted, polluted, and addled with the mind altering drugs, alcohol, and intoxicants that are regularly, commonly, and routinely endorsed, promoted, and advocated hear.