Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :)

I don't know that much about liquor, but I know what I like.


@mental : "Learn to lighten up and enjoy the forum"

Agreed. In threads like this the humor should be apparent. In other places it should be too but the line is often blurred. I think its best when we give folks the benefit of the doubt for that reason.
Post removed 
AND on that note, I'm the guarantee man for Knob Creek Whiskey. If for any reason you do not like their whiskey, please carefully package up the unused portion and send it to me, and I will "cheerfully" drink it for you!
There is fairly good clinical evidence that a single alcohol containing drink per day is actually beneficial to health in a number of ways.

For males there is fairly good clinical evidence that two alcohol containing drinks per day causes no harm. Less for females.

There are also studies that counter these but they seem to be based on weaker data.
Ribeye, asparagus, green beans, chopped salad with dried cherries and blue cheese. Should I open the cheap (but 92 points tasty!) Spanish Red, Chianti Classico, or the Kirkland or Dunham Cabernet? I know the Dunham will probably be the best, but its 2016 kinda rather give it another year or so. The Kirkland Oakville is great, but no more for a while so kinda like to sit on that one too. Or at least save these for some evening where I’m not so rushed. Which oh yeah, no time to listen tonight either. Dang. Maybe just crack open a bottle of beer, call it good.

Okay so, Black Butte Porter? Widmer Hefeweizen? Too light for the steak? Got a real nice Belgian... Mac & Jack’s African Ale...dang this is hard! erik!! Quick before dimthinkster can paste one of his terrible troll trifectas....