Bookshelf Recommendations

Long time, first time here. Looking to upgrade my current speakers. While I know the best way to judge is by actually LISTENING to a set-up, I've read a lot of positive reviews of the SVS Ultimas. Does anyone here have first hand experience with those or a similar bookshelf at the +/-$1k price point?

My listening space is 12 x 12, with a Carver M1.5t power amp and CJ PV-12 pre. 
Dynaudio xeo2’s. Open box for $799. Built in amps and BT. Great sound from a small speaker. 5 year warranty. Perfect 2nd system for me.
Wharfedale's 225's.....can compete with speakers 3 times the price. Warm non fatiguing sound. Port is on bottom for easy positioning. Recomended component in stereophile. 
Looking seriously at the Sonus Faber Venere 1.5's and Wharfedale 225's. HUGE price differential, though aesthetically, the former are works of art.

Nothing can beat a pairs of Nola boxer , I dare you to compare it to other with cost 3 times to get the sound  of it ! Do your homework and good luck with your search 
OP:  are you planning to use them in a bookshelf, or are you just typifying small speakers as "bookshelf"?  True bookshelf placement is a true watershed for most speakers, and many of the recommendations listed above would not fare well place such.  Could you please clarify?