Double blind test- over a month- could this be a reliable test for any equipment?

I am aware there are lots of debate about the merit of the double-blind test.Reading lots of articles online makes me feel overwhelmed and also confusing- you could have a totally opposite view of the same piece of equipment and system.
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If I were forced to choose between the double-blinders and the bat-biter, I think I'll go with Ozzy. Not that it matters, but one sounds a lot more entertaining.
For me DBT and ABX is just completely pointless from a normal end user perspective.

Let me put it this way if you do any type of test that is different than your normal listening conditions and conflicts with your experience in normal listening conditions are you going to change what choice you make?

If I test Cables/Amps/ Pre pro in my normal setup in normal listening conditions and like the difference it makes during normal listening and then do an ABX/DBT and get the usual null results I’m not going to change the equipment back to the ones I liked less due to a DBT/ABX.

Why would I downgrade my normal listening experience due to ABX/DBT? If my experiences are consistent where this cable sounds better to me before and after I do an ABX?DBT why on earth would I go back to something that sounds worse in normal listening conditions?

Seems like a parlour trick to me designed to confuse people and mask real world and even audibly measurable differences, let’s see how we can get NULL results on everything possible