What do you drive and why?

Just got a 2019 Subaru Forester. Had a 2012 till someone decided to T-bone me on the drivers side. The car held up very well to the impact. Walked away even though the damage was such insurance called it a total loss. Safety was a main consideration in getting the new one, plus the AWD system, improved mileage and reliability of the brand. Had an older Honda CRV (2006) and almost bought another, great small SUV.
So what do you drive and why?
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My experience with TR7 was quite positive. It was not my car but I drove it and was driven in it often. It was an aberrant one, never broke down, never any issue. From the stories, it might have been the only one they put together right. Orange.
The older British sports cars have a charm all their own. I have attempted to buy several, alas, nada, apart from one pre-war model. I lusted after an XK140 Drophead- more a boulevardier than a sports car. Every one I looked at had a story. Or was "restored" but cosmetically and often not so well. One had a fabulous paint job-owned by a collector, but I think it started life as an automatic, and did not have the provenance that the Jag enthusiasts demand.
The E type was probably one of the most beautiful cars ever made, at least as a coupe. I remember the first time I saw one in the early '60s at a car display. I was unlike anything else. I gather they can be 'fettled' as the Brits say, to a high driving standard. 
I love all old iron (and alloy).
I had a hankering for a Morgan for a while- sort of the worst of both worlds. :) (But to me, attractive- old school style built new). That 3 wheeler is a hoot! I wish I had the inclination to drive one-- it would be something in the Texas heat. My brain would boil. 
The detail that rarely, if ever, gets mentioned about Jaguar E-type is that is unusually spacious inside. For that kind of car, of course. It is slightly tricky to get in, but once inside, there is enough head, elbow, knee, and even foot room for a 190+ cm driver. Way better than any of the newer ones I am aware of. It even has a usable trunk. Cleaning wheels (spokes) is royal pain, though. And it is not hybrid so your mileage will not vary. It will be low.

" I owned a Subaru once and never again."

Same her. I had  a 2014 Forester. Sounded like someone smacking a tin can with a stick when you closed the doors. Driving it was pure misery. I guess different strokes etc.
Yeah, I had the classic Subaru head gasket leak problem. Fixed it once and it started leaking again. When I traded it in the sales guy said, "I can smell a slight bit of anti-freeze, you must have a hose that's loose." I replied, "yup, must be!"