CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
£20k of CD player to listen to the rubbish like the Daft Punk

Hey Chakster, who are you to say what people can listen to and like?

Der @tzh21y  : Good for that people that listen digital alternative  too. Pitty/sad for you that do not yet even that through this and other threads are wide explanation/evidence and facts why you should be.
That you like to " live in the error " does not means you are rigth because you are not.

Btw, did you try any of the digital/LP comparisons in your own system of those recordings I posted to sleepwalker65?, not yet? then till you test it your posts are absolutely  useless nd futile for everyone, you included.


I like digital but I am so used to the sound of vinyl, probably due to my childhood that I prefer the sound of vinyl.  I realize that it may or may not have the dynamics of good digital but I still love the sound.  I do like digital but most of my collection is vinyl.
CD is for casual listening. Vinyl is for serious listening. Problem is most people today don’t make time for serious listening. 
“CD is for casual listening. Vinyl is for serious listening”

I humbly disagree with your statement. Serious listening is not format dependent....I can confidently say that I experience same level of pride and joy in listening to my favorite artists on CD’s as well as streaming through Qobuz/Tidal.

It’s not one component, it’s a sum of all in your system. The CD’s and streaming formats are just as good as Vinyl if you have paid the same level of attention in setting them up as you did with TT. You read it right....I repeat again, just as good.

For casual or serious listening, $1K TT is not any better than a $200 CD player.