Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Calloway, be happy that you sold your other speakers. It took many months after I had the Tidals to sell my Acapella LaCompanellas.

I don't think I will be selling these speakers. Maybe those closing my estate will be.
Went back for second audition. This time Contriva not as impressive. The stand out vacal in first audition a few weeks ago was gone. Still very enjoyable but not much more special than any other high end pair. Dealer said he had optimized speaker position. More suited to classical music. Based on this, Scala (6 months ago) was clearly ahead - more intimate sound with tremendous soundstage. Will go back again August when Piano arrives with my amps.
could it be a change of placement or associated equipment that resulted in this change of opinions about the Contriva?
No he changed nothing except speaker placement and acoutic treatment placement. I was very impressed originally and now very surprised by the change. Third time lucky (too) perhaps...
Kw13, I don't know about your relationship with this guy, but acoustic room treatment and to a lessor degree speaker placement is very critical. He may not like what you like. If he will allow you to remote room treatments and reposition the speakers you may find you like them even more. I am still experimenting with my Contriva diacera SEs after nearly two months with them. I assure you that they are very revealing of everything.