"Maybe I missed it but what is new and improved? Been eyeing the Dialogue HP integrated which is now the Evo 400 integrated for quite some time."

Things I could find:
- Stereo Sub/ Variable Out
- Tape Out
- Weighs 2 more pounds
- Mundorf Mcap EVO Silvergold Capacitors
- They also now spec out the headphone power, but I kind of doubt that has changed.
- 93 S/N vs previously 92
- Frequency Response is also slightly tweaked

All in all I think these should be similar enough that it’s worth jumping on the Dialogue HP while you still can. Seems like some new branding, new capacitors, and an incremental price increase. I’m sure it was probably time for a price increase, and it’s easier to position it as a new model vs pricing going up on an older model.

Wonder if the output transformer has better stability in this new one.
As the old one didn't, looking at the peaking FR and overshoot on the SW.
Can't tell till a bench test is done, or some start saying it's a touch sibilant on extended tweeters. 



Cheers George
"Congrats on the Evos. I just ordered a Pl Dialogue Premium Pre and a Evo 400 amp."   

I am eyeing a dialogue premium preamp too. I do not see anything in there justifying a  50% jump in price between the dialogue premium preamp to the 400 EVO. I have a dialogue premium HP amp at the moment and it cannot use balanced input. I guess I will take a page from Kevin Deal's book and look what is inside..... and, for what I know now go for the dialogue.
I was hoping by now Kevin Deal would have jumped in here to elaborate on the EVO’s upgraded parts details...Seems odd that he hasn’t...seeing he is the US distributor. Nothing really on his site either. 8(
I am really enjoying the combo so far.  I already started rolling the tubes with what I had from my HP.  KT150 and  Brimars Cv4003 on the Evo 400 Amp and mullard CV4003 Brimar CV4003 combo on the Pre. Considering the Phillips rectifiers as my next step...

Great combo thus far.