Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?

Try as I might -- and I have tried very hard -- I just don't get the "genius" of this album. I know that George Martin said that Sgt Pepper would have never happened without Pet Sounds, but I don't think the two are even in the same league. What am I missing?
Excellent points, as always, all around. Even though it was a long time ago to most of the population, 1965 going into1966, The Beach Boys / The Beatles,  were really hitting their song-crafting strides. Next came creativity (genius) on Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper respectively.
Both bands really did not stop on those historic, concept albums. I feel that both bands finished the 1960's very strongly releases-wise.
Happy Listening!

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For a while I kept trying to get into Pet Sounds but just can’t. I agree with others that the lyrics are insipid and I personally just can’t stand Brian Wilson’s whiny voice.
I grew up with the Beach Boys. I’m 60 and have two older sisters who listened to them almost constantly during the summer months. Admittedly, when I was a youngster I liked a lot of that surf music in the summer time. It went well with the beach, sun and ocean. Now, not so much. I’ve moved on to more interesting music in different genres.
@nicktheknife, the whiny voice in The Beach Boys is that of Mike Love, whom I abhor. Brian sang the high, falsetto parts. Carl Wilson had a nice voice, and it is he singing the melody on "God Only Knows".
Fascinating bio pic on Wilson a few years back. Paul Giamatti plays his dark mgr overlord ahole guy. They recreate the pet sounds sessions in the film respectfully. 

For me, the 'masterpiece' that I loathe is trout mask replica. Makes me want to self-harm.