Constrained layer damping tape on toroidal transformer?

Is it safe for me to apply constrained layer damping tape (aluminum core) directly to the exterior plastic wrap of a toroidal transformer?  Are the wire wrappings around the core insulated?  

You could insulate the transformer, causing it to heat up, and the conductor itself could have currents forced in it, causing it to heat and melt.

If you are trying to reduce physical hum, better to look at the mounting method and eliminate DC on the AC line.

Place the viscoelastic material under the transformer. Thus it will be constrained by the transformer. Loosen or remove bolts to isolate it from the chassis. Problem solved! 🤗
Yes Agree that you should try a non conducting material to dampen your transformer.  If it does get too hot Sorbothane in a constraining package or pillow might do the trick.