Aurender vs. Roon

I would greatly appreciiate any input on something I was told yesterday by a learned audiophile. A) that aurenders conductor app is inferior to roon. That is probably a given. However, I thought Roon will interact with the conductor app. so if that is the case then you can have the best of both worlds.  Also, Roon has better audio quality the Aurender? Aside from that, is the landscape moving toward Roon? Reason I ask is I have been looking at Aurender streamers to purchase and there seems to be more and more of them for sale on Audiogon and US Audio Mart etc. Is it possible Roon Ready devices are going to be the newest frontier so why bother with Aurender if they are not going to support it? Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions.

My posts on first page of this thread are pretty clear where I stand on Aurender SQ, conductor app and upconverting. Aurender owners needs no further convincing that they are missing a great deal by not having Roon ( as you keep pointing out in every post ). Many Aurender users already expressed their satisfaction repeatedly with the Conductor app.

I am happy to learn that Innuos is pushing the envelope on price/performance and challenging the competition to keep up. Thankfully, there are many excellent options in high end audio streamer / server to choose from.....Innuos is one of them but not the only game in town.

Lalik we never said that Innous is the only game in town, right now they are the hottest server company on the market and they represent an excellent value for the dollar.

We can understand that you like other Aurender users love their products, the biggest issue with Aurender is that the N10, and W20 are now showing their age, and now that they are up against the new rung of uber servers that are represened by Innous, SGM, and the Memory Player as being the best in the world. 

The fact that an Innous Statment is less expensive than the W20 or the SGM or the Memory Player and it is incredibily well built 

Aurender is taking a different approach now, they are focusing on building some very nice all in one streamer/dacs like the upcoming 30, rather then over hauling and upgrading the N20 and W20. 

Both the N10 and W20 are fantastic servers and they certainly do fit some users better than the Innous product, but Lalik come on please recognize that the Statement is absolutely blowing people's minds in a way that we haven't seen in a very long time, at least until when the original N10 and W20 hit the market. 

Maybe you should demo a Statement and compare it to your N10 who knows you might just make the switch. 

We will be doing that very same demo in a few weeks after our new demo Statement has had a some time to burn in.

One of our clients has the N10 so it will make a very nice comparative demo may the best server win.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers
“please recognize that the Statement is absolutely blowing people’s minds in a way that we haven’t seen in a very long time”

Statement with 4TB SSD cost $15150, at this price they better be blowing people’s minds 😉

In all fairness, Innous Statement should be compare against W20 not N10.

PS: I have no plans to let go my N10 anytime soon. 
Yes and Lalik, the W 20 is $17,600.00 so it is even more expensive!

The Zenith which compares to the N10 is $4,300.00 vs the N10 which is $8,000.00 so big difference there.

There is also the 1TB version for $13,750.00

or the 2TB version for $14,400.00

So it seems you can have a lot of price difference from the $17,600.00 one version W20.

Please find us a W20 in the New York metro area and we will be more than happy to do so.

Why don’t you read the review Mr. Kennedy is pretty emphatic on his finding on the Statement from the last line of the review:

" if not the best digital source you can buy today. " that is a pretty glowing endorsement isn’t it?

We see things very differently then you Lalik if something is better we would easily sell off the older item and replace it with the newer one. Our allgience is to getting the best sound possible and not the brand, if we can find a better server for the money than the Innous we would switch in a second. 

Again just for giggles why don't you hear a Statement for yourself and what if it moves your system's performance in a big way would you deny that, if the Statment made you system signifigantly better, because of your support for the brand you currently have?

Our philsophy is to pursee the best possibly products hence we are always testing new and emmerging products if the design makes sense. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers

When you get to W20 or Innous Statement level, you don’t worry about couple of grand here or there.

I am sure if I reach out to you for Innous Statement 1TB version, you wouldn’t shy away from upselling the 2TB or 4TB version.

There is no other streamer like W20, IMHO. Since you have no vested interest in Aurender, I am going to take your over the top claims about Innous with grain of salt.