Why are you into hi end audio?

Just wondering if anyone feel the same as l do.l work hard and have nice things.l like to spend money when l feel like it...for the last 40 years ive had great audio gear and have enjoyed every minute of it....ln contrast every time l buy a nice car l lose big money and have a bad overall experience ..taxes,insurance, depreciation  and repairs. ...losing 30-40K on a new car or truck after 3-5 years is normal these days so l have no guilt when spending money on hi end audio..it makes me feel great year after year....l dont have to put gas in it or worry about door dings or hail storms,insurance,exise taxes evey year,new tires or crazy repair bills...so l dont feel bad dropping 50K on some McIntosh gear....you wont make money on it but its better than spending it on a new car in my opinion. If you have a beautiful room with a beautiful 2 channel system it can be the most wonderful space to spend time in...way better than sitting in traffic. .....

Oh, also the car thing- I love exotic cars, Bentley's, too, you know what I'm talking about. But honestly, they (IMHO) look best in the showroom at the dealership, buffed and new, with all the latest options, etc. Behind the wheel driving along, you're looking out the windshield at the back of someone's "jalopy". There are no winding mountain roads where I live either, so no beautiful views of nature, just another strip mall, another gas station, etc. The "car thing" was different back in the 50's when the romance with driving was so powerful. I long for high speed rail like I see in other countries where I live now. As for audio, at the end of the day I can listen to a cassette tape if I like what's playing...
I am a car guy also...l love the classics..vintage hot rods..all of them as long as l dont take a astronomical loss after owning them. ...l guess the point im trying to make is l would rather have a set of B&W speakers in my bathroom than loose 20K driving a F150 Limited off the lot....but l'l take a 1960 Corvette anytime. ....
Until it recently broke down, I was driving a 10 year old Honda Fit.  Friends ask why I spend several times more on my Stereo than my car.  I always tell them that car gets me from point A to point B, but music system takes me to places that no car could ever reach 
Thats true....the other day l heard some of the tracks on Zeppelin 's How the West Was Won.....was recorded super good. .....it  was like virtual reality on a good system. ...like being there at the L.A.Colusium in 1972...