HT bypass with Proceed PAV

I really like the sound of my Proceed PAV/PDSD pre/pro for 2.1 and 5.1, but would like the HDMI and DRC offered by modern processors. As far as I know, the PAV has no HT bypass capability. Does anyone know of a fix that would permit a modern processor to control the volume when the PAV is used for analog stereo? Would the PAV XLR input to the new processor or the processor to the PAV?

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It hadn't occurred to me that you might be able to control the level of the output of the PAV by controlling the level of the signal input to it. I had assumed preamps have a fairly limited range of acceptable input levels, but that assumption may be incorrect. Does varying input level over the range needed for volume control lead to distortion?

Just to be clear, in the setup proposed by Bdgregory the PAV would drive the amps for the main LR speakers and the HT processor would drive the amps for the center and surround speakers. Is that correct? The Velodyne SMS-1 and HGS-15 could be driven by either.

Personally, honestly, I say it's time to DTB!!!
I say that Proceed is wwaaaaaaaaaay outdated...obsolete...archeic like, ya know...
Basically, you're holding onto the PAV for it's 2 channel prowes. And, honestly, there are a bout a million dedicated 2 channel preamp choices out there on the used market alone, which are far supperior overall to your PAV!
Now I'm not saying it's not a good sounding piece - just that it's not some special sounding 2 ch piece on it's own, that's some highly desired piece on the market, to be true...destroying all comers in the analog world, basically. I mean let's be realistic.
Yes, I say it's time to move on, move up, and clean out your equipment rack. After all, it's all for sale eventually. And that piece's time has come, I say. But hey, that's just me. That's the way of AV equipement. None of it lasts forever, nor was it designed to...
I say 21st century pre-pro for you, and darn near world class 2 ch analog dedicated pre for the stereo = logical way to go for you, plus best of both worlds.

I'm aware that although the PAV was A-rated much of the cost went into what was at the time SOTA video processing, and that as a preamp alone the PAV would be rated a high B. But, of course, it wasn't a preamp alone.

A strong argument for separates is that amp technology changes slowly if at all whereas processor technology changes rapidly. The same argument can be made for separating the preamp from the processor.

It would be more helpful to suggest "near world class" analog preamps with HT bypass than rant about the vintage PAV. The least expensive Stereophile A-rated preamp is the Parasound Halo JC at $4K, but no mention about HT bypass. Anyone know if it has HT bypass?

The guru at the local high-end shop tells me I have to step up to the Classe SSP 800 to match the sound of the PAV/PDSD if I want a modern processor, but I think a fine preamp coupled with something like an Anthem D2 might be a better solution for me.

Does varying input level over the range needed for volume control lead to distortion?
no distortion. You're simply using a different volume control.

Just to be clear, in the setup proposed by Bdgregory the PAV would drive the amps for the main LR speakers and the HT processor would drive the amps for the center and surround speakers. Is that correct? The Velodyne SMS-1 and HGS-15 could be driven by either.
that's correct, except for the sub. The PAV doesn't have an analog sub input, so use your pre/pro to drive the sub, use the PAV only for the Main L/R.

In my limited experience, you're not likely to find a SOTA 2 channel preamp that has remote control and will best the PAV without spending a good deal more than the worth of the PAV. I did use my PAV this way for a short time as an experiment because I like it so much for 2 channel. I ended up going back to the TAD 150 Signature I'm using now, but the TAD sells used for more than twice what a PAV sells for.