What Shunyata and Furman (SMP) Have in common - Inductance!

Hi everyone,

I've been doing a little online research. The name that seems to come across here on audiogon regarding power conditioners is Shunyata, while @elizabeth and I talk Furman, especially due to cost.

I wanted to point out that what these two brands have in common is inductance. Coils. Coils in series with the outputs.

Furman and others who have licensed series mode surge protectors use great big coils to slow down surges long enough to let the surge protector react. Furman calls it SMP, but the tech has also been licensed to PS Audio and other makers. Essentially this is a low pass filter, which starts working at 3 kHz. That's way down in the audible range.

It's clear from pics of Shunyata's insides that they are using great big coils too. Why? Well, you can make a coil with high inductance, and low resistance at AC.

Anyway, my point is, these two brands share this basic principle. If you want to supplement a Shunyata by taking digital streaming outside of it (routers, wifi, etc) consider this super inexpensive Furman strip:


It's also a great starter conditioner, and the series surge suppression is unbeatable. Furman also has LiFT which I trust works but I've not investigated it very much. Furman makes a boatload of devices, so check for SMP and LiFT for the best noise suppression.

The PS Audio strip which uses series suppression is here:


Of course, saying these conditioners have the same principle is not the same as saying they work equally well or are best for your application. To your own ears be true!



Coils cause a time lag in the drawing of AC into the equipment!

I have found my Chang Lightspeed 709 CLS worked best, over other filters and AC regenerators.

You want LOW inductance!
Of course, saying these conditioners have the same principle is not the same as saying they work equally well or are best for your application. To your own ears be true!

Or as I like to say, I don't care if its made with bailing wire and bubble gum, long as it sounds good.
Coils cause a time lag in the drawing of AC into the equipment!

With a high enough L, XL drops to near zero and therefore the difference between current and voltage goes to zero as well.


No matter how big the coil inductance is, there still will be a small amount of sound smearing due to lag.

The conditioners you recommend are not always liked.
No matter how big the coil inductance is, there still will be a small amount of sound smearing due to lag.

Show your work.  The idea that lag in the power supply = smearing of audio needs more validation.