Pass Labs cooling noise

 I have a recently purchased Pass Labs INT-60 that is making periodic clanking noise as it is cooling down on turn off.

My many previous non- Pass amps were always quite, Mac’s and  even my Parasound JC5.

Any ideas before reaching out to the dealer/company?

BTW the Pioneer S-1ex’s sound amazing with this setup with the OS Audio Directstream and Oppo 205.
X350 does the same think. I assume it's because the heatsinks are structurally part of the chassis and cool at a different rate. 
Agreed. You can't stop metal from expanding and contacting as temperature changes... a simple fact of nature.

Just make a call to Pass to see if this is the norm.  If Peter is still at Pass, ask him.

I have called Pass about the noise on my amp and they said it is normal while warming up or cooling down to hear the clinking just the heat sinks contracting and expanding