Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?
1/2" 30 ips, that's the spirit. 
But..some master tapes are really old so in certain cases your best master tape dub is original pressing record.
If analog tape is so flawed then why do recording studios and engineers keep going back to it to produce new remastered versions of albums ?
That some here have noted some of the inherent limitations of tape doesn’t mean we think it’s "so flawed." As you stated, there is no  perfect recording method.

When creating a newly remastered LP, it makes sense to start with the original analog master. No copy made from that master can be higher quality than the original. That’s not to say that you might not prefer a copy of the original, but it can’t contain musical information not present on the master.
Analog Tape is King ! Prove me wrong.
No one can prove that a preference is "wrong." You prefer analog tape, and that’s fine. I like it, too.

Here again Cleeds you are referring to my statement and my statement alone; no one else stated any thing that would incite you to make the statement;

"That’s not to say that you might not prefer a copy of the original, but it can’t contain musical information not present on the master."

While you are referring to the statement I made that the playback sounded better than the LP when recorded at 15 IPS, I did not say that there was information which was not on the LP.

It's all about the highest degree of definition; there was information on the LP which was transferred to the tape, that was not profoundly amplified by the LP playback. That's a day and night difference from information not present.
Post removed 

Here again Cleeds you are referring to my statement and my statement alone; no one else stated any thing that would incite you to make the statement ... I did not say that there was information which was not on the LP.
I’m not sure to what statement you refer or why you would think it was in response to you. When I respond to someone here, I usually quote them to make it clear. I wish you would do the same. Regardless, there’s at least one user here who seems to claim that an analog tape dub contains information not on the original:

First we listen to the streamed version off the internet and then compare it to the tape I have made from the same digital stream. In every case the tape sounds better, much better. The recording has more depth and richness with an increase in dynamic range ... tape has 80 million magnetic particles per recorded inch available during the recording process we are able to saturate the tape with every detail that is present in a recording. The R2R tape player is then able to reproduce all of that detail that is available in stunning clarity which seems to be not present through a digital player.