Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Thank you, Jörn, for your response. The views you have expressed about neutrality are very similar to my own. And FWIW...

I, for one, enjoy comments from manufacturers, provided that the thread doesn't become a vehicle for advertising, which this thread has not, IMO.

05-13-11: Argyro
...your system should react accordingly to different recordings as well as equipment. If every recording sounds unique you are in the right path...Or vice versa, the common sound attributes you identify between different recordings is your system's character.

I completely agree, Mike.

again, self- promiting,and self- marketing b.s
from tidal!
everyone should agree that is wrong for you to paint these chat threadswith your "opinions". unless they are part of your "cult"

is it promotion to answer what Tidals view on neutrality is and how they implement that i their designs in a thread specificly about Tidal speakers where the issue of neutrality is discussed?

I think not.
Focalfan - You are certainly entitled to your opinion. It is my opinion that Jörn has not crossed the line into advertising.

As far as being a member of a "cult," I have never even heard a speaker from Tidal.


It is entirely appropriate and acceptable provided the manufacturer identifies themselves.

Sadly many reviewers have monetary interest in equipment (getting a special deal on a demo item) and do not make these conflicts of interest well known.

At least with a manufacturer or dealer we know to take everything with a pinch of salt.

Frankly, I liked what Jorn said. His statements about the principles he uses to design speakers was very helpful. I am actually more interested in Tidal now that they are claiming to have a solid design philosophy based on neutrality instead of the usual techno-babble BS that you hear from so many manufacturers (you know special materials, special cryogenic treatments - blah-di-blah).