Congratulations on getting your custom 4-sub distributed bass array system built and operational! Are you planning on posting some kind of more extensive review of your dba results? How about a new thread devoted to how to build and deploy a custom dba?
Using an Audio Kinesis Debra 4-sub dba myself for the past 4 yrs, I already knew your results would be spectacular but I think others really benefit by knowing how incredibly well this concept actually performs in virtually any room and with any pair of main speakers.
If you're anything like me, you're going to find it hard to resist posting about the dba concept as the ideal bass system on the many threads consistently started by members looking for better bass response in their rooms and systems.
However, I completely understand if you'd rather just enjoy your newly improved system for a few weeks, months, years or decades. The truth is that neither of us will ever need to buy another sub or bass system again.
I'm just still amazed the dba concept isn't more widely known and used, especially on a high-end audio site like Audiogon. The fact that it's so difficult to overstate how well these dba systems actually perform, whether a complete $2,800 complete dba bass kit like my AK Debra or a custom dba system such as yours, I hope you agree we have an obligation to spread the word to our A'gon brethren and beyond.