Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
I recently heard a Tidal - some floorstander at the dealer and my further impression was - what's the big hype here?

Will return another to audition some more.
Shsohis, no hype on Tidal, just very real, coherent and musical, if you like hype, try Wilson or something else. I can hear my Tidal for many hours without hint of fatigue.

Please bring your most familiar CD for audition, if you could hear the difference, please share your feeling with us.
Shsohis, much depends on the electronics and wire associated with the speakers as well as the room. Fortunately, Tidals show what precedes them. If your dealers makes no effort to audition them well, that is his problem.
I have one little problem with Tidal. While I used to be able to listen to music for almost everyday in the past, I have to try restrict myself to weekend only sessions now. It is so very very hard for me to tear away from them once they started singing! Thus, one listening session could easily cost me 'at least' 6-8hrs straight (no joke!), of which I cannot yet afford to do during the weekdays at the moment. Is this a common problem with other users? Well I guess it is a good problem, but it still 'is' a problem--not hype. :p
TBG actualy its oposite- for my ears its the smaller wilsons that needs lot of atention to sound good and not" etched" and hyper detailed and exited( they can, and mostly sounds sound bad on dealers) are you saying that Tidal is more sensitive to setup?