Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Elviukai, you are welcome, to debate Wilson or other speakers, it's like to debate Nikon or Canon camera and lenses.

To me, Tidal is like Leica to me, if a guy can't tell the difference in image by his eyes between Leica and others, it is very difficult to say more.

I don't mean to look down to them, I start to appreciate the differences since I owned Leica, and make some test by myself. That is a long learn curve. Before that, I also thought Leica is just a "status" product.

Of course Canon or Nikon or Konica-Minota or etc... does make some outstanding product from time to time.
Quanmer: I do follow you for the full 100%.
You must "undergo" the difference and the right experience and wishes makes you decide to go for that special thing or item....
Some of you might enjoy this Youtube clip of the Piano Ceras at Munich 2011. Doesn't sound half bad considering it is on Youtube. Looks like long tall Jorn walking around answering questions.

Looks like they were in a fairly large room and placed about 6 feet out from the back wall and 4 feet out from the side walls and about 7 feet apart - must of sounded real nice. I heard them at RMAF in a smaller room and was quite taken with their sound.