Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
maceear...i am not sure i understood your last post....the chalice audio 'grail' are 50 watt amps..is that what you were asking..?..
Calloway.. Yes, these 50 watts SET must be a fantastic match with your Contriva's.
maceear..thanks for the reply. yes..they are the most amazing amps i have ever heard....thanks
The bass of the Contriva is lightning fast and with excellent extension! However I seriously doubt that 50W can do it justice! I have heard the Contrivas with the Wavac 833 150W and it didn't do justice to this speaker!

Just my 2 cents.

Happy Listening,

argyro....having heard the wavac and owning the chalice 'grail' i can tell you they are much better then the wavac...very few people have heard the 'grails'... they are ..in the opinion of those that have heard them..possibly the best SET in the world.the bass with the 'grails' is superb...and the 50 watts easily drives them..and is super fast...it is a combination made in heaven...they aren't the average '50 watts'..that's one reason they are so expensive..