belt ? or Dental Floss for turntable

I have heard that many people have used dental floss in place of a rubber turntable belt.
Any thoughts ? Thank you
April Fool’s.

Nice try. Except, Teres turntables (and probably others) did indeed use dental floss for a while. They also tried tape recorder tape, which is actually made to not stretch so good idea, except it requires the platter and motor be perfectly flat and parallel.

This was like 15 years ago at least. The Basis table I had back then used a rubber belt, easy enough to try dental floss, and I did. Improved detail and dynamics.

Look close you will see the dental floss.
I don't use it any more, Teres Verus motor replaced this, but I was running floss a while and you can see the level of the rig not exactly entry level.

April Fool’s around here is tough. To find something crazy enough to be funny without having a serious answer you really have to work at it. Better luck next time.
The problem with floss or any other string drive belt is the knot. Belt drive aficionados apparently believe that the knot creates problems as it passes over the pulley or the circumference of the platter. I have seen whole threads devoted to how to tie a particular kind of knot that causes fewer problems than some other kind of knot. There is no pun intended, when I use the word thread. And it is no longer April 1. 

I have seen whole threads devoted to how to tie a particular kind of knot that causes fewer problems than some other kind of knot.

There are threads for every audiophile problem.

You run the knot on the outside. The key is the tension and this changes with the material used, and the type of platter/bearing/plinth. .

A) There are tables designed for thread, and people use them with belts.
B) There are tables designed for belt, and people use them with thread.

Its not hard to imagine the results.

But since the OP owns a technics sl1600 I don’t think he really cares.