Turntable that will be around heavy foot steps?

Looking for suggestions for turntables that would be used in a show/demo environment where there would be heavy foot steps/footfall about 3-6 feet from the turntable. Think Headfi vendor exhibition tables if you've been to a Canjam or the like.

Using it with an isolation platform is also an option. Lets say under $10k for used including the tonearm.
I have found that the heavy plinths such as those sold for Vintage Garrard and Thorens tables help a lot.


When I bought an expensive new turntable like most I wanted to ensure it was free from the interference of external vibration.  In particular, our wood floor transmits footfall to the stand like a bugger, and I have a 17 year old son who is big and stomps when he walks like Godzilla.  I needed protection!

Having tested a great many types of isolation and damping material, I found nothing...absolutely nothing...came close to the vibration isolating properties of putting springs under the turntable platform.  In this case I use the spring-based Townshend Seismic Isolation Pods.  They are expensive for what they are, but I'm sure you can get similar results via a DIY approach finding some similar springs.

In any case, once the turntable base was placed on those springs, I could stomp all around the floor in front of the equipment stand and feel (and measure) almost nothing on the turntable.  Works like a charm.

So, in other words, I'm not sure you need to concentrate on the particular turntable to take care of vibration isolation - especially for really big vibrations like close footfall - where instead it may be better to simply concentrate on making an isolation base that could do a much better job of isolating whatever turntable you'd like to use.
My SME 30 is the best table I have experienced regarding footfalls.  If you could find a used SME with the o-ring suspension it might work well in your situation.
