Amplifier current vrs watts; why is current more important?

Lately when talking to knowledgeable people in the audio industry I’ve been hearing how current delivery is more important than watts in determining weather an amplifier will drive a speaker.
So what exactly is current and how does it effect speaker performance? How can a amplifier rated at 150 watts into 8 ohms vs one rated at 400 watts into 8 ohms be a better match for a hard to drive speaker?
And for me, that’s OK and perfectly fine. A little response tailoring often suits me. It’s not your place to decide what’s OK for folks.
It’s just that we don’t all want that.
No need to get your knickers in a knot.

That fine, if you're willing to take the chance, as the "response tailoring" as you so quaintly call it, will be different for every speaker you put it on.

 So you never know if your going to like the "tailoring" it's doing until you bought it.
BTW: It's still a tone control that doing EQ, which ever way you look at it, which will be a different EQ for every different speaker.

Cheers George
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Get over it.

Bit rude! that response for being shown the truth. After all it’s what the subject of this thread is all about.
Educating is a form of telling, and if you don’t want to learn why current is needed from an amp, and what happens when they don’t have enough for the load they’re seeing and become tone controls because of it, then don’t listen or partake in the discussion

Cheers George