Help me spend some $$$$$

Hi Im new to home theater/ audio I wanted to ask the more experienced members thier thoughts on a system that I am considering buying . The sytem is the Klipsch RF83 system. It will be for a home theater set up in my living room. It will be for about 60% music and 40% movies, I listen to all kinds of music from reggae to gospel . I plan on getting a Marantz reciever along with the speakers. Can anyone give some insight into this system. Should I be looking into the RF63 system instead ?.. Thanks
Only YOU can decide what sounds good to YOU.Others will tell you whether or not they like the Klipsch/Marantz and that will do YOU no good.YOU need to hear the equipment YOU are thinking about getting and decide if YOU like the sound.Notice all the emphasis on YOU?This may not sound helpful,but believe me,it really is.Good luck.
I'll second the response from Tpreaves. If it makes YOU happy, and YOU like it, it doesn't much matter what anyone else thinks.
That will sound great, and you will love it. But I must say, that's the same place I started because those were the big names I remembered from when I was a kid, and along with McIntosh those were the "big" names in high end audio that everyone knew.

They are slightly different companies now, and if you are going to listen to 60% music, I would suggest that you take a few weeks to read through the forums here on speakers, processors, preamps and amps before you buy anything.

Also, check out the Absolute Sound 2010 products of the year issue that's on new stands now.

Remember, if you buy speakers and amps used here on Audiogon, you can basically rent them, and sell them again if they are not your cup of tea.

I suggest buying speakers, subwoofers, power amps, analog preamps, turntables, , all cables, DAC's and Disc players used when you can.

Recievers, pre-pro's and all video stuff changes too much, and I think it very finicky and I would buy those new.

Good luck and enjoy your new hobby.