Does removing anti-skating really improve sound?

I know this topic has been discussed here before, but wanted to see if others have the same experience as me. After removing the fishing line dangling weight from my tonearm I’m convinced my bass and soundstage has opened up. I doing very careful listening with headphones and don’t hear any distortion or treble harshness. So why use anti-skating at all? Even during deep bass/ loud passages no skipping of tracks. Any thoughts from all the analog gurus out there?
I haven’t read through this thread but here’s my take...

On my VPI, (we know Harry doesn’t advocate anti-skate) I haven’t noticed any difference in sound with or without. It just makes perfect sense to use it for the health of my records. As long as your azimuth is good, that’s much more important for SQ.
On my VPI, (we know Harry doesn’t advocate anti-skate)

From the VPI owners manual

As mentioned earlier, the arm wire applies the anti-skating force. The degree of force applied can be adjusted, to increase anti-skating force give the connector a counterclockwise twist, unwinding the wires natural twist. Likewise, to decrease the force, give the connector a clockwise twist, winding the wires natural twist. Remember, the Lemo connector can only be "adjusted" in increments of whole turns. If it is not, its key will not line up with the groove in the receptacle 

Removing antiskating does not improve sound, applying too much ruins it. All depends on stylus shape and cartridge suspension.
check it out:
F = Fn*mu, where F is the force needed to counter friction between two bodies in motion with respect to each other.
Fn is the normal force ( meaning VTF in this argument).
mu is the coefficient of friction.

Where do you see velocity?
Speed is a scalar quantity; this is about vectors. 
Your argument isn’t terribly wrong, except you are resistant to seeing my point that velocity has nothing to do with it; it’s changes in velocity that are causing additional forces. Any change in velocity is an acceleration.
When I used to be in closer proximity to buddies systems, we used to frequent each other. All of the systems , including mine with various pivot tonearms, (still own a Dyna) allowed you to hear, if you listened closely, to the two spots on the record where the stylus was lined up best with the groove, depending on the geometry you are using. Where the stars align for the pivot arm . 

For those few seconds over each spot the focus is definitely - clearer.

IMO - If your anti skate is set up - ok - you should be able to make out these two spots...I mean should you decide to listen in this technical way.

Now an interesting thing... 
One turntable where this was definitely not the case, was with a Technics sl1200, with grado black, that I used to loan out.
But still sounded good;  which leads me to come to the conclusion that even if off a little, vinyl distortions with a pivot setup are "pleasing in nature" for the lack of a better word,  the technics sl1200 pivot arm still sounded decent.

It's not until you hear better, that you realize the setup is off, from the better pivot tonearm setup.