The who comment resonated with me. Zu's I heard demoed similar to Tecton did not deliver with Rush on a set. The zu admitted the set was underpowered for the task after the fact. He was demoing with classical and jazz fair that was better suited and that sounded fine. Many with sets likely do not care about that kind of music much. Ie music that relies more on power and impact than beauty to make its point. These were larger more full range zu speakers though. Smaller less extended models of moderate efficiency will be less challenged. Will they sound best on all kinds of music? Very good maybe but not best. It's all about choosing your compromise in many cases.
If I were Reb I'd audition the Tektons. Little to,lose to try. Milk I was referring to Tektons not Teutons. That was my iPad spell checker doing the wrong thing. 😬😬😬
If I were Reb I'd audition the Tektons. Little to,lose to try. Milk I was referring to Tektons not Teutons. That was my iPad spell checker doing the wrong thing. 😬😬😬