Hi Orpheus10,
In all fairness, I really wasn’t planning on getting one, but even after being a tapehead (tapeheads.net...another forum one should check out for r2r stuff) for half a century, I wasn’t aware of the half track mode... always wondered what that 2trk 4trk switch was for on my RS1506, but was only interested in recording bands I was in or FM music. 4trk was all i needed.
The Otari brand kept coming up as a pro machine, even more than the technics, but in all fairness, the transport on the 1506 is smoother. It was just good timing that I was introduced to Mr. Walls as he was finishing my new pride and joy.
Another poster here on AG inquired and Mr. Wall gave me permission to give him his contact info. He had 3 Otari’s (not sure what models) doing final burn in the wings, soon to be posted on Reverb.... he now has two. :)
He also gave me permission to share his reverb webpage where I felt it was appropriate.
Mr. Walls does a detailed testing of all active and passive electronic components during his refurb. If a transistor, IC, (newer models) cap or diode is out of spec, he replaces it. Caps I believe are the weak link. Especially in the older R2R’s. I believe he mentions that in the details of the refurbishment of my deck, but check to be sure. .
I believe he does about 2 Otari’s a month. But delays in getting ordered replacement parts can slow things down a bit. As I mentioned, timing was everything for in this case, having the good fortune of finding such a clean example of this venerable deck nearing completion. Being an r2r enthusiast, I felt it was surely worth the cost of admission.
Happy hunting!