Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?

Gusser, I hope you can help me; I'm looking at page 9 of the RS-1506 operating instructions, where they have the bias, and equalization chart. I'm trying to translate this for new tape that's not listed.

This is the tape I'm purchasing;

Now I'm trying to figure what bias and equalization I set on the RS1506 for this tape?
Post removed 

That is one sweet looking deck!
Thank you for the link and information.

Enjoy it.
 I wish I could help but when I purchased my 1506 in '84 at a hole in the wall used hifi gear shop in Lawton, OK while in the army, the soldier selling it via the shop did not provide with feet, all 6 selector switch plastic covers were cracked and barely hanging on, and most importantly, it did not come with a manual.  I used Maxell UD-180 10.5" tape reels exclusively and I experimented with the positions of the bia and equalization switch positions.  Right or wrong, I left both on 1 at all time as it seemed to provide the best clarity for all frequencies.  Not very technical, I know, but all I can offer.  I'm glad Benjie was able to step in and provide the proper settings for your tape selection.

I now have the owners manual AND service manual in PDF form.  I'm sure will be quite knowledgeable about the deck I've owner for 35 years when I've complete the refurb.  Until, I will defer to others, like Benjiie, who are better informed. 
Good luck! 

Thank you for the kind words Uberwaltz.  Appreciated.  

6,082 posts
04-07-2019 6:03pm

Gusser, I hope you can help me; I'm looking at page 9 of the RS-1506 operating instructions, where they have the bias, and equalization chart. I'm trying to translate this for new tape that's not listed.

This is the tape I'm purchasing;

Now I'm trying to figure what bias and equalization I set on the RS1506 for this tape?

clio09, thank you, appreciate it.
If that Otari is as good as it looks, the price is right. You don't save $1k when you go with higher end R2R deck. Technics transport is smoother than Otari ? Are you sure, that's unexpected ?