Thank you Benjie, knowing the bias and EQ before I buy the tape gives me the consolation that I'll get good results.
Gusser, I'm glad you have the proper paper work, now you'll get the best results. That will help you enjoy your new deck even more.
Reel to reel
Inna: Yes, it is! It is near new in appearance and operation. Quite exceptional since it was built in 1986. RE: tape transport. Just my HO. I have spent minimal time with the Otari and should reserve judgement. I am awaiting a replacement integrated amp, (Decided toobs are not for me... back to solid state) which is arriving today. Hope to spend more time with the MX in the coming weeks. I may find I am mistaken. orpheus10: I believe I have confused you. The Otari came with all documents, provided by Mr. Wall. I have owned the 1506 for 35 years and all this time without an owners manual (or feet for that matter). During the refurb, I will take the time to read and learn the significance of the Bias and Equalizations switches and how they relate to different tape types. Appreciate the input. |
This is the tape I'm purchasing; If you've been using Ampex Grand Master 456 this is a really similar formulation. Also corresponds to 3M 996 |