Inna: Yes, it is! It is near new in appearance and operation. Quite exceptional since it was built in 1986. RE: tape transport. Just my HO. I have spent minimal time with the Otari and should reserve judgement. I am awaiting a replacement integrated amp, (Decided toobs are not for me... back to solid state) which is arriving today. Hope to spend more time with the MX in the coming weeks. I may find I am mistaken.
orpheus10: I believe I have confused you. The Otari came with all documents, provided by Mr. Wall. I have owned the 1506 for 35 years and all this time without an owners manual (or feet for that matter). During the refurb, I will take the time to read and learn the significance of the Bias and Equalizations switches and how they relate to different tape types. Appreciate the input.
orpheus10: I believe I have confused you. The Otari came with all documents, provided by Mr. Wall. I have owned the 1506 for 35 years and all this time without an owners manual (or feet for that matter). During the refurb, I will take the time to read and learn the significance of the Bias and Equalizations switches and how they relate to different tape types. Appreciate the input.