Who needs a tuner?

This was a lot of work for somebody.Listen to what’s going on in the rest of the world.....The green dots on this Google Earth represent a radio station anywhere in the world.Click on any one of the dots and you will immediately listen to that station with very good sound. I especially liked Dublin, halfway up Ireland's east coast, with Irish pub music. Any of you who are multi-lingual will certainly enjoy this. http://radio.garden/live/toulouse/radiopresence

Pretty cool, but only a couple of stations listed where I live, and not the ones I listen to most. I guess my Onkyo T9090 II is still useful! 
Interesting site, gwbeers. Thanks for posting it.

I’ve spent about an hour traveling around the world on this site and have come to a few conclusions.

First, there are very few jazz and classical stations anywhere on the planet.

Second, the entire population of the earth is being deluged with crappy electronically processed noise that is being passed off as music.

Third, artificial digital reverb knobs are very popular in recording studios around the world, and the recording engineers cannot keep their damned hands off of them.

Fourth, Cambodian music is really strange.

Right now, I’m listening to some delightful classical music coming from San Francisco. Prior to that, I was listening to a good classical station in Russia.

I’ll continue traveling the FM world on this site. It’s very interesting.

Just found a nice jazz station in Hayama, Japan. And another one in Yokohama, Japan. Classic Rock (Eagles - Hotel California) in Suwon-Si, South Korea. Zero FM stations in North Korea.
