Denafrips Terminator vs. Venus

I was wondering if any members (non Denafrips dealers) have had first hand personal experience listening / living with these two DACs from Denafrips. The Terminator is universally acclaimed while Venus is much less talked about. I understand physically the Terminator has 2 transformers and better chassis separation.

I found a page on the Denafrips' site with two Youtube videos for comparison, but can't hear a difference through headphones. Anyone been able to compare them back to back in the same system?
Hopefully Mike and Alvin will chime in.

@adg101 The Venus DAC sits between the Pontus and Terminator and the pricing steps up accordingly.
Venus appears to have the Terminator front end mated with the Pontus chassis form factor and power supply. 
Mike Powell had listed the Venus on his website. The Venus doesn’t ship with a power cable, so Mike was offering a variety of power cables as part of the sale package. 
Thanks for the reply guys. I've come across a post by Alvin that details the change from Venus to Terminator, which includes the PSU, FPGA code and chassis isolation. However, I was hoping for some first hand accounts of actual users on what the applied sound quality difference is in their own home, controlled listening environments.