The best out there right now is the Trinnov Amethyst. It will do everything for you including bass and sub woofer management. It uses a very special microphone to calibrate the system and it does so from various points in the room. I have been using digital room control since Radomir Bozevic, "Boz" dropped TACT Audio on the world. Lyngdorf was his financial partner at the time. Boz was the brains and the reason TACT failed. Anyway, a system with an ultra high def room control processor will put an identical system without to shame. Controlling over all frequency response is just one small part of it. Making the response of the speakers identical at the listening position probably the most important part of it. Your brain locates a sound by relative volume an time differences between your ears. if some frequencies are louder from one speaker than the other you smear the image. The most important benefit of room control is razor sharp imaging. Being able to equalize the sound to your taste is nice but the imaging is amazing. You still have to do basic things to your room like kill the primary reflections. Is there a down side? Yes. The top notch systems are expensive. The Amethyst is $11,000.