What is the one piece of advice you would give about attending AXPONA?

Greetings all - For those of you that have been, what is the one piece of advice you would give to someone attending it for the first time, or to any audio show for the first time? 

Planning to to attend all three days. Riding the elevator to the top floor and taking the stairs down, is one thing I’ve read, and of course it makes perfect sense. What else? Thanks in advance for your responses. 
1. Make a top 20 list before you go of the rooms you most want to hear;
2. Don't forsake the list;
3. Try to hear those rooms on Saturday or Sunday so you can hear them at their best;
3. Get time in the favored listening position for the rooms on your list even if those rooms are always crowded; and
4. Bring a list of specific recordings you know well and ask for those recordings to be played in rooms that interest you. Make sure your recording list is long enough that the vendor has a shot at having something you know well. 
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