audiophile fuses for Luxman, Wyred 4 Sound, and Simaudio

Hi all,
I have a Luxman L509x integrated amp, a Simaudio Moon DAC, and a Wyred4 Music server.  Which, if any, of these might benefit from upgraded fuses?  I'm not interested in much experimenting, just in getting the best sound (I know that's subjective) I can with some tweeks.
Thanks in advance.
In terms of components, digital is so far behind analog I didn't even bother trying these in my CDP. So no idea really about the DAC. The biggest most clear cut improvement was in my Melody tube integrated amp. Coming in a fairly close second was my Herron VTPH 2A. That leaves my Teres Verus motor controller trailing a distant third, which given it uses 2 fuses if there was one I would do without (or maybe try somewhere else) its that one.

So with my three it seems the stuff with the greatest current demands improves the most. In the best case amp situation the magnitude of the improvement is on the same level as upgrading to a much better power cord. Considering the minimum on that is about $300 for a use Synergistic Research Master Coupler at about twice the price of a Blue Quantum Fuse, the Fuse is definitely worth it.
My suggestion is predicated on the fact, some can hear no differences, in their equipment’s presentation, with high-end fuses. If you can hear no differences, with the older Classic Golds, chances are; you won’t with the newer, more expensive ones either. I thought I made the test’s purpose clear. Of course; conducting a test like this, with the much more expensive fuses and a 30 day refund in place, is attractive. That is; as long as none of them happen to blow during your trials.  Have fun/happy listening!
Fuse threads never fail to bring out the angst, fear, trepidation and uncertainty exhibited by fellow audiophiles.