looking for solution...maybe simple question???

I had a nice set up...and as we all do, thought it could be better.
I now own a set of Mirage M3 towers match to a Mirage s12 sub.
My problem as you might imagine is that the M3s are SO power hungry that I have to push my Sony MC-Receiver past 50% or better to achieve my desired home-theater listening level.
I have been looking at the sony1000 / onkyo models and integra.
I encountered a guy to day that offered me an Integra 7.8 B-stock unit (65W) model.
Would this solve all my problems with power to these M3s??? not having to worry about bi-wiring / heat / etc?
Shop for an Onkyo...or one of the mid-line Yamahas. I would go with an Onkyo 700 series...check here or elsewhere online.
Without getting into the math, you need to double the watts to get any appreciable increase in volume. That said, all amps - at a given wattage - are not the same.

So a 65 wpc amp and an 80 wpc amp will give you the same volume.