New CDP or standalone DAC...?

Current source is the Oppo 103, bought three years ago. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments on buying a better-sounding CDP, or buying a better-sounding DAC and using the 103 as a transport.
Thanks in advance!

@alexatpos , very interesting! This is actually my 2nd unit. The first one I returned due to an odd noise at turn-on coming from within the unit itself, not from the speakers. I was sent another new  one I'm currently using. Interestingly, through two different sets of speakers (Monitor Audio Silver 8s and Vandersteen 2Cs) the sound is decidedly tipped-up! Lots of treble energy, air, detail, spatial cues, soundstaging. I'm using Anticables, true bi-wired. Nothing veiled at all about the sound. Sorry to hear it didn't sound good in your system, just proves again you never know how a piece of gear will sound in your system until it's in your system.

Again, please forgive me, I have no hidden intention neither to speak bad about that amp, or to be persistant about convincing you,or to pretend to have more experience. But, when you are speaking about all that 'qualites' of that amp, that conclusion should be based on direct comparation with simmilar priced units and with better ones, of course. In that class, I have had Krell kav 400, which I thought to be better but 'gray' in sound presentation (not the one that I would recommend either) and some other integrated amps from Pathos, classic mk3 and Inpol 2 which I found much better sounding. If I may add, also had Krell Evo 302 and Burmester complete set up (956mk2, 011, 001). My only intention was to give you advice where you could pehaps save some money and get better sound, because, imho, your amp is the week link, not the player. If you change the source, you may end up in a same place, as I have tried that amp with probably 'better' player than you are about to buy and the results were still not pleasing, to me,of course. 
Opening this thread again. Thank you previous posters for the tremendous amount of information.
My system now consists of Oppo 103 UDP, Vincent SP-331 amp, Schiit Freya preamp, Vandersteen 2Cs bi-wired, Anti-Cables. Room is acoustically treated all four walls, ceiling and floor.
This system is so much more musical than the previous setup, but I
still think the source is the weak link. 
Hate to ask the same question again, but I am still seeking guidance from fellow Goners for a budget of $1000, and of $2000. New or used.
Thank you all, sincerely


Hi Tom, a couple years later and I am still one decade beyond you in 'old school'.  :-)  Your looking at 60, I am turning 70 in June. We must embrace all ages and live them to the fullest.

I see you have replaced your amplification. I had a Vincent integrated. Wish I never sold it. I am sure that Sp-331/Freya combo is great. In the 80s into 90s I owned a original pair of the 2Cs as well. 

I remain a redbook CD kind of guy. Either as AIFF file via apple computer or disc playback. One day likely go to a dedicated server with internal DD to use with an external DAC. Looking into the purchase of a Audio Mirror DAC.  What is your latest thinking regarding digital playback?  

Hello mesch, nice to hear from you! Yes, I am loving the Vincent/Schiit combo. I'm staunchly (stubbornly?) redbook. Our computers are in other rooms, none in the listening room. Since I'm so happy with the Freya, I'm leaning towards getting one of their DACs and using the 103 as a transport. Thank you for responding, and you are definitely more up-to-date on current things digital than I am!
