millercarbon ...
No need for folkfreak to apologize to me. I have a skin that is two feet thick, plus I've become accustomed to the outlandish arrogance exhibited by many (not all) of the EE's, and engineers in general, posting on this and other audiophile sites. I've learned to expect it, actually.
Also, what is understandable, is the fact that folkfreak is a Brit; a man from a country whose subjects are accustomed to not doing anything that is not pre-approved by the state.
Conversely, what we are used to here is to do anything we want unless the state expressly prohibits it. Its the difference between being confined by rules, regulations, edicts, red-tape and the whims of bureaucrats, vs an attitude of "leave us alone." American as apple pie. :-)
To folkfreak's credit, he understands the importance of getting the hell out of the EU for a more enjoyable independent life ... including regaining his economic liberty.
In the meantime, I'm listening to the lovely voice of June Christy on the mini-system while typing this. "The Gate" has made this little pipsqueak of a system very enjoyable, indeed.