The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping

Looks like mono configuration will not work with rca-XLR cables. Requires a true balanced connection. 20 watts a little low (for me anyway) for SE connection. I'm looking forward to reviews on this one
Schiit calls this design Continuity. Biased at less power for a higher power class A output in the class A region.  And eliminates nonlinearity at the crossover region between class A and class AB, so the output is more like class A than class AB. 
Someone who has received this unit has posted internal pictures over on AC.
Can you post the link? What is AC?
I've been reading "on the schitter" thinks that's what it's called,  look for it on Schits web sight under "about". the links close to the bottom.  they really don't seem to hide much about themselves.  I'm impressed and some good laughs. 

 I've been eyeing these as well and when I get home from deployment I'll be looking closer. Much closer 
