The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping

Looks like mono configuration will not work with rca-XLR cables. Requires a true balanced connection. 20 watts a little low (for me anyway) for SE connection. I'm looking forward to reviews on this one

Except you left off the header text before the text you provided:

"Aegir the First: The Original Idea"

Guess what, the original idea didn't work out. Also, the output stage is not the same basic circuit topology as Vidar. The transformer used is significantly different too.

Vidar does 1 watt at Class A....

But hey, it all looks the same so it mostly is, right? 
I’m not bagging this amp celander, there is a great place for it in the market, using efficient speakers. But let’s not make it the holly grail, it’s not!
Nothing new there celander, it’s what’s been the norm on most good class-A complementary output stage push pull amps.
This "continuity" is just a new word used to make it sound like it’s something new and innovative.
Cheers George

The transformer used is significantly different too.
Of course the transformer will be different, the Aegir has to have far lower rails than the Vidar, my 10 year old knows that!!!

@porscheracer, +1, for understatement:

“Guess what, the original idea didn’t work out...”

And from my count reading the Jason’s head-fi chapter, the next 15-ish iterations of the “original idea” didn’t work out either.

04-12-2019 7:09pm
@George wrote:
“ I said probably lower rails and higher bias..”

Well, you got that wrong..

Besides, you forgot about transconductance droop, for which no class A/AB design accommodates or eliminates. Yep, nothing new here at all.
Whatever you want to think, in time it will come out, then you'll understand. 

Cheers George